Andrea, Our Precious Blessing with Partial Trisomy 18


When I was pregnant with Andrea I felt good everything was wonderful until the day after Christmas 2006, my doctor called and said my blood work came back showing an abnormality and i needed to come in as soon as possible to talk about my options. My options?  What did THAT mean?  I was not about to think about giving up on my baby.  Only God was in charge of something like that.

See six years before that we had a son that was born with a double inlet left single ventricle heart. He went through a series of surgeries and was on life-support twice.  God was there the whole time helping us through that, and he would be there this time too. Our son, Ethan is now 14 and doing great.

In May of 2007, our Andrea was born.  She was so tiny and so beautiful.  She has partial Trisomy 18. The doctors said she would not go home but she did.  She has a heart condition that has been repaired.  She has a mickey button for feeding but eats pretty well by mouth now. She also has growing rods in her back but she is a true blessing.

She has been potty trained since age 3, and she laughs all the time.  She is very observant of her surroundings and says “Da-Da” all the time.  She is now 8 and will soon be 9.  My girl is growing up and that is a true blessing given to me by God.  She touches everyone that she is around with her loving but very silly personality. We love her very much.

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